Sunday, October 29, 2006


OK. Yes, I've become one of those useless basement take photos of my cat and blog it kinda people. But hey.... that's what web 2.0's all about, no?

Tammy in her - ahem - wisdom, decided to buy Nova some footwear. I don't know why. She just did. Here are the results in full colour video (via YouTube) for your amusement.

That was $14.00 well spent.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

House off market

It's been going on for too long. We're still looking to sell, but with the baby coming, and lots of other concerns, we decided to delist the house until spring (when hopefully the market will pick up). The lookie-loos coming in to look but not buy were starting to get to us.

So, wait for spring, and in the meantime, we'll get setup for baby.

Upcoming travel

For those tracking my movements (you know who you are -- echelon echelon)... I'll be off to Boston the second week in November, and to Windsor Ontario the week following. They've got me doing the Enterprise Architecture and SOA for libraries meeting circuit. Fortunately, it's a small circuit at the present time.

I don't get to spend much time in Boston unfortunately... it seems a very neat city with lots and lots of things to see.

Raiden X

This is an addictive game: Raiden X.

Nerd Score

I am nerdier than 94% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I'm not too shocked. :)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Great Find

Well were else should I share this other then the internet! Sisters, Mothers, Friends....I found a very nice shampoo!

Hello Hydration

You should try it, I don't even have conditioner for it, however it feels so great I really can not get over how wonderful my hair feels after I have washed it.... And just before I had bought it at Costco I had switched shampoos so its not just the switching to a new brand that did it, it really is great.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Anti cute-overload

The universe is a funny thing. Symmetry seems to rule, karma if you will, the yin and yang, the light and dark. Finally, the universe has created the opposite of cute overload - a site that features photos of cute saccharine sweet animals.

All hail ugly overload.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Gatineau Park - Autumn

We made a visit to Gatineau Park this weekend -- specifically the Mackenzie King Estate -- to check out the fall colours. I'd never visited the estate before, and it was a good time to visit, since the rest of the park was entirely full. You couldn't get near Pink Lake... it took us 20 minutes to get as far as the welcome center for the park. I guess everyone had the same plan.

It was a beautiful day, and we had a nice walk around the grounds. There's still plenty to see there, so we'll have to go back.

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Monday, October 02, 2006

Chapman Mills Conservation Area

Some photos of the Chapman Mills Conservation Area where we took a stroll a couple of weeks ago during a house showing. Lots of trees, plants, flowers and berries. It's just south of Ottawa, along the river. The trail is about 1.5 km long.

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