I'm sure this blog will be deleted as its just me playing with the computer, Nova woke me up this morning being sick, so i have decided to play with the big computer. Steve will do doubt be inpressed that i have figured out out to blog the pics from picasa. He didn't show me, but I just needed time and lack of something else to do. I hate to read, there fore i just do. I figure things out, who needs directions.
This is our last day of the weekend, I have really accomplished nothing. The kitchen looks great, thanks to Steve. I have been feeling crapy, I even slept in yesterday till 11 something (of course Nova also had me up at 4am, and i was up for a bit and went back to sleep)
June will be here soon, I cant wait! Lots of things happening in June! Nova will be off to the babysitters again. Steve and I are going to San Diego, and I will be off to Sea World and the Zoo. We both have our tickets and there is just the Hotel left to secure. That is what I have been doing mostly this weekend is looking at hotels, not able to find one that I really want to go to. I found one, had a great price............but did not book it. Now the price is not so great. So that's why I wait, incase the rooms go back to that great price!
Steve's also has a birthday treat! Cirque du Soleil (that's the gov site) we are seeing the show QUIDAM (that's Cirque's site) I am very happy that we are going to this and that Steve was actually interested when I asked him if he would like to go.
Then of couse I am going home for Amanda Jayne's graduation! Can you beleive it, she's able to vote now. Amanda just tured 18 in May.
Well I must get going, I'm feeeling sleepy. NOva's already gone back to sleep and Steve is still there. Goodnight.
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